Importance of Game-Value of Sports and Games

It is said that "Health is Wealth". we can have a sound mind only in a sound body. Game and sports play a very important role in the life of young boys and girls. On one hand they give us recreation and on the other they help in the development of body,mind and personality. They make life charming and useful.

Game and sports impart the real education for future. Many good qualities are taught by game and sports. Discipline,mutual co-operation,unity and obedience of rules are some of the characteristics which form the total personclity of the youths. A regular habit of playing according to rules becomes a part of their character. Classroom teaching does not imlpart that vital education which is the impact of game and sports.
Games and sports bring about national and international honours to  us. The players and athletes if different countries participate in various games and sportsin the world compititions. They try to show their skill with utmost vigour. If they win they bring a name for their country.
Game and sports make the growing boys and girls honest and hard-working. They lern patience,confidence and curage. Victory and defeat are equal in their view. This sportsmanship makes their future bright. Moreover they form regular habits which them on the path of success.
In the modern age games and sports have become profession also. Many skilled players and athletes earn a huge amount of money by competitions. By virtue of being good players of good athletes, they get jobs. Wherever they go they get honour.

Thus we see that games and sports are very important for the mental,physical and moral make up of the youths who have to shoulder great responsibilities for the progress of their country.
Importance of Game-Value of Sports and Games Importance of Game-Value of Sports and Games Reviewed by Dynamic News on October 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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